Justin Lehmiller

Justin Lehmiller.

I am Justin Lehmiller, formally a dating agency director and now a freelance relationship writer. In my past profession as a dating agency director, I have come across an array of human beings with unique behavioral patterns. That experience has shaped my way of thinking to no small degree, and it has added value to my new job.

Human beings are a unique bunch, and it is a blessing to be working in close quarters with some of the most interesting of them all. As for why I am keen on the topic of relationships, my question is, "why wouldn't I be?"

Professional Practice, Experience and Interests

I am from Cincinnati, Ohio, a land typically associated with being underachievers at sports but masters at the art of love. I attended college at Kent State University, where I bagged my B.A. in psychology in 2001.

The idea of being a doctor appealed to me, and I took the first logical step in that direction by snagging my M.S. in experimental psychology from Villanova University in 2003. Thanks to Purdue University, my dream of becoming a doctor became a reality in 2008 when I received my doctorate in social psychology. Hence, the birth of the Sex Dr.

You can find my works on human sexuality, sexual fantasy, sexual health, casual sex, among other things, in your resident book store. Plus, if you aren't so big on paperbacks, then you can check out Amazon, Goodreads, or the likes for an ebook version.

I have a firm belief that every adult should be able to enjoy the thrill of lovely, consensual, and mind-blowing sex. I mean, I resigned from a dream job to work as a freelance relationship writer, that got to count for something in your eyes. Also, you can find my publications with reasonable ease; all that's left is for you to feast your eyes.

With great power comes great responsibility, and if you do not use your talent for good, there's a high possibility that you will lose that said talent. That is why I leaped in faith by resigning from a plum job to take a risk in the freelancing industry. More than 50 academic works later, it seems as though I made the right choice. What's more, my hobbies include trying new pick-up lines on total strangers, watching college football games, and playing fantasy activities now and then.

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